Escape from the Carriage

Look at the right side of the cage

Look at the left side of the cage

Try to get the piece of bone in the left side of the cage
hint : maybe the dog could be enticed to the other side

Take the dog leash from the middle of the cage

Dog Leash

Walk right and look at the hatch in the roof

Look at the ice chest to the left of the door

Use the ice chest

Juicy Steak

Try to leave through the door

Look at the hose to the right of the door

Pick up the hose


Look at the tube to the right of the door

Pick up the tube


Try to open the flap on the right
hint : maybe something in the carriage could force it open

Walk left and use the Juicy Steak with the right side of the cage
hint : maybe the dog could be prevented from eating the steak

Walk right and use the ice chest

Juicy Steak

Use the Sample Glass with the Juicy Steak

Meat in Jar

Walk left and use the Meat in Jar with the right side of the cage

Pick up the piece of bone in the left side of the cage

Piece of Bone

Walk right and use the Piece of Bone with the flap

Look inside the flap

Vacuum Cleaner Bag

Look inside the Vacuum Cleaner Bag

Barrette and Animal Hair

Look at the Barrette

Walk left and use the Tube with the hatch in the roof

Use the Dog Leash with the Tube

Leash with Pipe

Use the Leash with Pipe with the hatch

Climb up through the hatch

Pick up the Leash with Pipe

Leash with Pipe

Look at the left pipe of the two pipes on the right
tip : air is coming out of the pipe

Look at the rightmost pipe

Try to open the window on the right
hint : maybe someone could be encouraged to open the window

Use the Animal Hair with the rightmost pipe

Use the Hose with either pipe

Try to climb through the window

Use the Leash with Pipe with either pipe on the train

Climb through the window

Get Into Sidorkin's Office

This free video game walkthrough is for the Nintendo DS