Pick up the plunger on the right
Try to use the bathtub
Look at the camera above the bathtub
Try to use the camera
Take the toilet paper on the left
Toilet Paper
Leave through the door on the left
Look at the drill to the right of the right door
Look at the cabinet to the left of the right door
Tapper, Piece of Something and Silicone
Look at the Tapper
tip : this can cut a thread in metal
Look at the Piece of Something
Look at the Silicone
Take the metal plate to the left of the cabinet
Metal Plate
Look at the bench vice to the left of the cabinet
Look at the key hanging to the right of the left door
Take the key
Look at the incubator on the left
Try to open the incubator
Try to open the door on the left
Try to unlock the door on the left with the Key
hint : maybe the key could be heated to melt the ice
Use the Metal Plate with the drill on the right
Use the Toilet Paper with the metal plate in the drill
Use the drill
Look at the burning paper on the metal plate
Try to use the Key with the burning paper
Use the the Piece of Something with the bench vice
Bent Piece of Something
Look at the Bent Piece of Something
Use the Key with the Bent Piece of Something
Piece of Metal and Key
Use the Piece of Metal and Key with the burning paper
Piece of Metal and Hot Key
Use the Piece of Metal and Hot Key with the door on the left
Leave through the door on the left
Explore the Cave
This free video game walkthrough is for the Nintendo DS