Search Sidorkin's Office

Take a closer look at the desk

Try to open the drawer in the desk
hint : maybe the lock could be picked

Use the Barrette with the drawer

Open the drawer

Pick up the statue from the drawer


Take the skull from the skeleton on the left


Look at the portrait of Lenin on the wall at the back
tip : Lenin is facing towards the left

Look at the books to the right of the portrait
tip : these books are about pirates

Look at the statue to the right of the monitor

Look at the statue to the left of the portrait

Look at the statue to the right of the portrait

Pick up the flower vase on the right

Flower Vase

Place the Statue in the socket where the flower vase was

Look at the same statue

Use the statue

Look at the statue again

Use the statue to the right of the portrait

Use the statue to the left of the portrait

Use the statue to the right of the monitor

Use the statue to the right of the monitor again

Enter the secret door

Look at the flap in the back wall

Look at the book on the chair on the left
tip : this book is about a pirate

Pick up the book


Return to Sidorkin's office through the exit

Use the Book with the books on the right

Enter the secret door

Look at the niche in the back wall
hint : maybe something could be placed in the niche

Use the Skull with the niche

Take a closer look at the safe

Select the second to right lit lamp in the second to top row

Select the leftmost unlit lamp in the middle row

Select the middle lit lamp in the middle row

Select the leftmost unlit lamp in the bottom row

Select the middle lit lamp in the bottom row

Diary Entry
The Kalenkov Report

Escape from the Carriage

This free video game walkthrough is for the Nintendo DS